This complete guide has every pro tip you need to know about combat in Maneater.
Aside from the unique setting and characters in Maneater, the combat in this shark-based RPG is completely different from most other action RPGs you are likely to play. Alongside having to flop out onto the land like a beached whale in some scenarios, you also have to contend with the world's best fisherman, who seem to be able to hit you perfectly no matter how deep you dive.
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While there are some problems with Maneater's combat, especially the lock on target system, it isn't the hardest combat to get a handle on. It is something you should get used to sooner rather than later, especially with a few tips and tricks. The way you approach combat is also different depending on whether you are engaging with shark hunters or apex predators, though there is some crossover between the two.
Updated on July 9, 2021 by Rebecca O’Neill: Maneater has a major focus on participating in fights with other creatures and humans. It is part of the reason it is so important to understand the mechanics of it so you can wreck the competition. This is why a few more tips and tricks were added to make you more successful and deepen your understanding of this aspect of Maneater.
A listing of the body evolutions, shark hunters, and apex predators has also been added so you are prepared to face off in every boss fight. You might still be a pup, but in no time you will become an elder with all the knowledge and power to take down anyone who stands in your way.
If you are ever in trouble in Maneater and find yourself chased by a predator, then you can look to hide out in a Grotto. They are safe spaces that only you can enter, and they can give you time to recuperate.
It is best to avoid death whenever possible, and this is one trick the best players use when they know they are losing a fight.
Your shark will age and become stronger, but when you are just a pup you cannot take on the whole world. It is important to pick and choose your battles, which means fleeing from opponents who will undoubtedly best you in combat.
Some see it as cowardly to flee, especially when fighting alligators, while others see the importance of running to save their own skin. The one thing to keep in mind is that if you are fleeing it is important to turn your camera to face behind you so you are aware of your pursuer's progress and can better evade them.
When you enter an area and begin a fight the docile fish will flee to the outskirts of the area. You should keep these in mind when your health begins to dwindle as chomping down on them can give you some quick health regeneration.
It could save your life in a close fight if you use these fish wisely and save them for the right moment, and you can also eat the dead human bodies as well for sustenance.
One of the biggest downfalls in Maneater is the lack of a hard lock-on feature, something that is normally a staple in action games. However, while the lock-on feature is something of a downside, it also means that you are free to move around however you like while in the water which makes it easier to dodge larger animals.
That being said, if you do want to lock on to a target, the best you can ask for is pressing the right stick in to focus on the nearest enemy. While this is no substitute, it does allow you to follow fast-moving enemies much easier than simply turning the camera. RELATED: Maneater: Things It Gets Wrong About Sharks
The main thing you need to be wary of is that when in action you should do your best to stay focused on your opponent, as turning away will cause you to lock onto the next closest creature. Make sure you are close to your target and you the system will begin to work for you, rather than against you.
While it might seem to be an annoyance that you can never fully lock onto your target, the developers purposefully left it out. They thought it would make the game too easy and take the skill factor out of Maneater, and most of their player base agrees.
It is a bit of a learning curve for traditional action RPG players, but it is something you will grow used to in time. The important thing is to keep at it and practice your targeting in low-level areas to perfect your combat strategy.
The main offensive tool for an up-and-coming bull shark is their mouth, so it should be no surprise that biting is the main form of damage dealing in Maneater. While you do have access to a tailwhip, that attack is more useful for stunning enemies than damaging them, though it can have some use with certain tail evolutions.
When it comes to biting, however, it is very easy to miss the timing and end up simply flailing around the battlefield. The best way to avoid doing this is to focus on the target placed on the enemy and wait until it is completely focused. This way, you won't miss your target and you won't fall short either.
One of the attacks that can easily fall by the wayside is the tailwhip, which, while it can be used for some shenanigans in launching smaller enemies at bigger ones, is somewhat clumsy and hard to use. That being said, it's an attack that you should learn when and how to use to the best of your abilities, as it can be one of the most useful tools in the bull shark's arsenal.
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While it is great for stunning close enemies and for opening gates, if you have the Bio-Electric or Shadow tail equipped, you also have access to a decent ranged attack that is great for initiating combat from a distance. The Bone tail, while lacking in a ranged attack, is very good for quickly destroying shark hunter's boats and gaining the upper hand.
It can be very tempting to go through most of the game with the same evolutions equipped the entire time. However, each evolution is useful for a different scenario and should be taken into account when tracking down apex predators or shark hunters.
The Bone evolution set, for example, is best used against shark hunters and other boats as it has an inherent advantage against those enemies while being less useful than the Bio-Electric set against apex predators. You can also mix and match certain evolution pieces to find the kind of build that is suitable for each scenario, though this means that you are losing out on the passive buffs that come with equipping the whole set.
Here is a more in-depth guide on evolutions and these are the sets in Maneater you can equip:
One thing you will learn very quickly as a pup is the importance of staying out of the jaws of predators, otherwise, you are likely to fall victim to the many sharks and crocodiles that lurk in the waters. Unfortunately, spamming the dodge button won't get you very far and you are more likely to get hurt doing this than learning the correct dodge timing.
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When fighting sea creatures, they will often glow gold right before they are about to perform a strong attack, with this being a good indicator of when you should be dodging. If you time this dodge correctly, you will also stun them for a few seconds, leaving them open to a tearing attack from the side.
Shark hunters can be some of the most annoying enemies in Maneater, largely due to their ridiculous accuracy with a rifle and their ability to quickly gang up and overpower you if you are not careful. However, there are some easy tricks, such as these, to turn the tide of battle in your favor that you should capitalize on.
While destroying their boats is an easy way to get them into the water, without the Bone set, this can be easier said than done. Instead, you can also leap out of the water, grab a hunter, and drag them down into the water with you. This has the added bonus of removing enemies from combat much faster than if you were to focus on their boats, but also means you are constantly regaining health by eating your prey.
These are all of the shark hunters you will face throughout the game:
Boats can be a difficult challenge, especially for new players, but there are a few methods that are proven to work. Most choose to snatch the hunters off the boats and tailwhip their brethren back at them, as the boats themselves are fairly strong and difficult to break.
If you have the electric evolution then you can jump over the boats and initiate your shock to hurt the humans aboard the boats. It is quite chaotic, especially when more than one boat is involved, but it will make your life so much easier in these fights.
Like shark hunters, apex predators can be incredibly difficult and scarier than this Pennywise appearance, especially the higher-level ones like the Orca and Sperm Whale. However, like with the shark hunters, there are some simple steps you can take to ensure you come out the victor.
The easiest way to deal with an apex predator is to make sure that you won't get attacked by any other creatures in the middle of battle. For the likes of the apex crocodile, this can be easier said than done, but it is possible to lure it into an area with no other aggressive animals with enough patience.
Speaking of patience, that is the best course of action when dealing with apex predators. Instead of rushing in headlong, wait for them to glow gold, dodge their attack, then tear at them when they are at their weakest.
Here are all of the apex predators you will be up against:
Next: Maneater: All Organ Mutations, Ranked
Callum Archer is a freelance writer based in Perth, Western Australia. He is an avid gamer, Nintendo fanboy, and lover of weird sci-fi novels, who also dabbles in manga from time to time, usually dark and twisted work like Uzumaki and Death Note.