Home » RESULTS » AEW Results » AEW Rampage 5/6/22 Results
The final entrant in the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament will be determined and DDT star Konosuke Takeshita is returning on this packed episode of Rampage. Let’s check out the card:
Can I just say how much I appreciate the new lighting that AEW is using? Taz, Excalibur, Ricky Starks, and Chris Jericho are on commentary this week. Let’s get right to the action, as usual!
The fans open up with a “Pittsburgh Sucks” chant to welcome Dr. Britt Baker, DMD. Storm and Hayter to start. Shoulder blocks by Storm to start and an Irish whip to the corner. Soho is in but Hayter powers her up and into her own corner, tagging Britt in the process. Baker with an Irish whip, reversed by Soho, into a Sling Blade by Baker for two. Riot ducks a super kick and gets a two out of a roll up. Tag to Storm and a double STO to Baker. Storm attempts a running avalanche in the corner but Baker side steps and hits a flatliner into the middle turnbuckle for a two count. Tag to Hayter who employs the “we’re in picture-in-picture headlock.” Back from break and a hard Irish whip into the corner by Hayter. Another one. Hayter looks for a third but Soho makes the save and Storm lands a German suplex. Both women are down as Hayter gets the tag to Baker but Soho also in off the hot tag. Heavy strikes by Soho followed by the double knees to the middle turnbuckle. Storm with a running hip attack into the corner. Storm with another attempt but Hayter catches her with a big boot. Baker with a Pittsburgh Sunrise attempt but Soho catches her with a super kick. Uranage back breaker by Hayter to Soho. Super kick by Storm to Hayter, who then Alabama Slams Baker on to Hayter. Storm looking for Storm Zero on Baker, who reverses into an air raid crash. Baker with an awkward looking take down on Storm but Storm hits a German suplex. Storm puts Baker on the top rope but Rebel’s distraction allows Baker to gouge Storm’s eyes. Baker hits a butterfly suplex into a sliding lariat from Hayter, followed by a curb stomp! One, two, no! Soho makes the save. Super kick by Baker to Soho, but Storm rolls her up from behind and gets the win!
Winners: Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
Rating: ***. This match felt clipped in places, but all four women worked hard. Hayter is really coming in to her own in the AEW women’s division and the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, on paper, looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun.
Jericho has a phone call on commentary, and it’s Eddie Kingston. Eddie says he’s been with his wife of over twenty years, and she’s always been able to put him together, but not this time. When Eddie walked into his house, his wife started crying. Eddie wants Jericho to feel the fear and the pain that she felt.
Mark Sterling & Tony Nese are here, and Nese wants to know why he’s got to force himself on the show. Nese may not know the right people. Sterling says they’re requesting a match with the undefeated phenomenon, the idiot that everyone loves, and nobody knows why. Next week, in Tony Nese’s hometown, Nese wants… Danhausen!
JD Drake is, much like Anthony Henry, one of the most underrated guys on the roster. JD Drake deserves better. Anyway. Hook with a waist lock take down but Drake gets to the ropes. Drake chops Hook and he felt it. Hook asks for another chop but he headbutts the chopping hand! Duck under by Hook and Hook hits an t-bone Hookplex. Drake is up and attempts a reverse DDT but Hook flips over his back and locks in the RedRum. That’s it.
Rating: NR. JD Drake deserves better.
IT’S DANHAUSEN! Danhausen wants to know if Hook will be in his corner next week, since Tony Nese will have “Medicine Mike” Sterling. Danhausen extends his hand as the entire arena chants “YES!” Hook shoves Danhausen down much to the chagrin of the crowd. Danhausen left a pack of chips in the ring for Hook, with a bow on it for his birthday.
FTR is in the back and Cash says Dax won last week, he’s going to win next week, and he’s going to win the whole thing. As a human being, Dax doesn’t have an ounce of respect for him. Dax says he’s bringing the nasty bastard back. Dax has to win it for himself, for Cash, for his family, and for the Hart family.
Hammer lock by Yuka but Riho rolls out. Both women trade pinning combinations to start but Riho lands a drop kick as she heads up top. Cross body block by Riho gets a two count. Irish whop by Riho but Yuka gets her knees up and heads up top. Riho charges but Yuka cartwheels off the top and dropkicks Riho to the outside. Yuka hits a cannonball senton from the second rope to the outside as we head to picture-in-picture! Back in the ring and Yuka focuses her attack on the knee with an elbow drop followed by a leg lace. Yuka with a variation of a calf slicer but Riho gets to the ropes. Yuka charges but Riho counters with an elbow and hits a face buster for a two count as we go into a full commercial break. Back from break and Riho with a Northern Light’s bomb gets a two count! Yuka looking for the Magical Girl splash, but Riho gets the knees up. Riho nails a dragon suplex! Riho with a diving knee strike gets the closest two I’ve seen in quite some time. Riho heads up top but Yuka meets her halfway. Yuka with a diving flatliner from the top rope! Both women hit hard, and I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that move. Riho counters the Merry Go Round into a cradle for a two count. Trading elbow in the center of the ring now. Yuka with a rolling elbow strike but Riho ducks and rolls through with a legged trapped rolling cardle for the three!
Rating: ***. Fun match that also feels like it was clipped short. The fans in attendance loved it but the commercial break held it back a little bit. Great to have both of these women back in AEW, however.
Shawn Spears says even Superman had kryptonite. Spears does bad things for a bad reason. Spears aligns himself with the guys that have the darkest of intentions, not the deepest pockets.
Dan Lambert and the Men of the Year are here. Lambert is from Baltimore, but these Baltimoron’s have ruined the city. Dynamite Dan will now tell people he’s from Miami since Baltimore’s crabcakes are terrible. EGO says even though he’d like to get his hands on Sammy Guevara, but he doesn’t want his daughter seeing what Sammy and Tay do with their mouths on TV. EGO says the mixed tag match is off. Frankie Kazarian is here and says EGO and Sammy have a lot in common, he’s just missing the annoying overbearing blond. Frankie doesn’t care about EGO, Dan, or Sammy, he’s here for Scorpio Sky and that TNT Title. EGO says he’s glad Frankie is dressed for a funeral because SCU is dead. Sky says he’s bringing respect back to the title and every worthy contender will get their shot. The days of the title getting passed about like Tay Conti backstage are over. With all due respect to Dan, but it means the faux title that Lambert has goes back to the trophy case at ATT. Sky says next week, Frankie has his shot.
Jungle Boy comes to the announcer’s desk and spears Ricky Starks. Jungle Boy picks up the FTW Title and Taz isn’t happy. Jungle Boy vs. Ricky Starks takes place this Wednesday on Dynamite.
I am excited to see Takeshita, I’ve not seen much of him personally. Mat return by Takeshita after a top wrist lock by Lethal. Snap mare by Takeshita followed by a headlock. Single leg trip by Lethal who looks for a figure four but settles for three heavy chops. Hip toss by Lethal followed by a cartwheel and a basement dropkick. Arm drags by Takeshita and a high dropkick… followed by a strug! Irish whip to the corner by Takeshita followed by a running shoulder block. Takeshita hits the ropes and hits a flying flipping shoulder block that causes Lethal to bail to the outside. High plancha over the top by Takeshita. Satnam Singh then gets in the face of Takeshita, which allowes Lethal to catch Takeshita coming in. Dragon screw leg whip over the middle rope by Lethal. Suicide dive by Lethal. Another. Sonjay gets a few shots in on the outside. Back in the ring and Lethal again looks for the figure four, but settles for a jackknife cover for two. Tilt awhirl back breaker by Lethal gets another two count. Knee breaker by Lethal and another leg whip. Lethal looks for the Lethal Injection but Takeshita follows him into the ropes and hits a basement dropkick to the face! Lethal rolls outside and grabs Takeshita’s leg, and slams it against the apron a few times. Lethal charges at Takeshita but misses and eats the guardrail in the face. Back in the ring as Takeshita goes up top but Lethal crotches him and hits some knife edge chops. Lethal now looks for a superplex off the top but Takeshita fights him off. Lethal fights back and both men are standing on the top rope. LARIAT OFF THE TOP ROPE that turns Lethal inside out! One, two, no! Takeshita looks for a dragon suplex but Lethal counters into a figure four leg lock. Takeshita gets to the ropes so Lethal readjusts. Takeshita rolls Lethal through into a cradle, holds on, and hits a vertical drop brain buster for a long two count! Lethal hits the ropes and ducks a clothesline… Lethal Combination! Lethal now looks for the Lethal Injection but Takeshita ducks under and lands a HUGE lariat! Jumping knee strike that should be it… but Dutt is on the apron! Referee turns around and Takeshita only gets a two count! Lethal kicks Takeshita on the knee but Takeshita returns with a HUGE elbow. Woah. Lethal kicks to the knee from the ground but Takeshita fights through. Lethal with an O’Connor roll but Takeshita shrugs him off right into the ropes… Lethal Injection out of nowhere! That gets Lethal the three count!
Post-match, Sonjay orchestrates a beat down to Takeshita but here come the Best Friends! Satnam disposes of the Best Friends as Satnam goozles Chuck and dribbles him off the mat. Here’s Orange Cassidy! Jericho says Singh looks like Bat Boy. Cassidy steps off the apron but here comes Samoa Joe! Joe is here with a lead pipe but all of the referees are holding Joe from getting to the ring.
Final Thoughts: Insanely fast sixty minutes of wrestling tonight! Strong wrestling in both women’s matches and Takeshita really delivered in a big spot, which is no surprise because he was standing across from Jay f’n Lethal. Hook & Danhausen stuff is hilarious, and I’m intrigued to see if HookHausen makes an appearance next week. 8/10.
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