Big Rapids Public Schools security updates near completion

2022-09-09 20:09:00 By : Ms. Jasmine Liu

Big Rapids Public Schools will see several additions to building security including door locks, notification systems and cameras in the transportation department.

BIG RAPIDS — Students and staff at Big Rapids Public Schools have returned for the year to some new security additions to the buildings. 

The board of education approved plans to update the district’s security and notification systems in April and are now nearing completion of some of the final installation pieces. 

The new system the district is installing is through Syn-Apps, which utilizes a software product called Revolution to interconnect its digital devices.

Superintendent Tim Haist said the administration is excited to wrap up the new safety feature installations.   

“We have made and continue to make safety improvements to the buildings,” Haist said. “The alert notification communication system will help us to communicate in case of emergency but also just to improve our overall communication within our buildings. We're hoping to be able to get that online here in the near future, and part of that system also includes some vape detection devices.”

The system's benefits include simultaneously sending notifications to designated systems and endpoints, helping to optimize communication processes, improving system management, accelerating incident response time and improving safety.

It also supports weather, lockdown drills and the district’s medical emergency response teams.

The system is platform-agnostic and designed to inter-operate and unify existing on-premises or hosted communication systems to ensure the longevity of technology investments, eliminating switching costs.

The district is aiming to have the installation of the devices completed within the year, and then hold training and information sessions for teachers and students on the system’s usage. 

The district has also completed the installation of door barricades from Taylor Brothers Door Lock LLC. 

The design of the barricades is meant to be easily installed and removed for ease of safety and additional protection against potential intruders.

Haist said the district has also improved the buses in the transportation department and student support resources. 

“We’ve purchased new camera systems for our buses that have the stop arm cameras,” Haist said. “We're hoping to have those installed by the end of the month. We've also added staff to support our students' social and emotional wellbeing, including a behavior interventionist success coach to help support provide that support at each level.”