Charlie Crist is calling Gov. Ron DeSantis unfit for office after Florida delivered Venezuelan and Colombian migrants to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.
The Democratic gubernatorial nominee called a news conference one day after reporters confirmed that Florida flew immigrants who crossed the southern border to Martha’s Vineyard, a symbol of Democratic elites. DeSantis first voiced his intent to send immigrants who crossed the border illegally to Martha’s Vineyard and Delaware, the home state of President Joe Biden, in late 2021.
Speaking to reporters, Crist called the act “disgusting and vile” and a political move to rile up his base in preparation for a presidential bid.
“When you are this inhumane in how you treat human beings, you’re not qualified to be Governor of anything,” Crist said Thursday.
“This is somebody that’s really not in control of his faculties,” he continued.
Local officials also say they were caught off guard by the arrival of the two charter planes carrying 50 migrants Wednesday afternoon.
Some reports from Martha’s Vineyard say the migrants were told they would receive housing and jobs upon arrival. Additional reports said the migrants left the airports in vans while others say the migrants walked several miles to reach a community service center.
“They’re escaping oppression,” Crist said. “They’re trying to seek a better life and freedom, and this is how he responds to it, like their cattle? I mean, it’s reprehensible.”
Republicans have suggested delivering migrants to the doorsteps of left-leaning communities would spark action from Democrats. Speaking in Niceville, DeSantis called the current border situation “indefensible.”
“The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they all of a sudden go berserk, and they’re so upset that this is happening,” DeSantis said. “It just shows you, their virtue signaling is a fraud.”
The Republican Governor declared that Florida isn’t a “sanctuary” state.
“What would be the best is for Biden to do his damn job and secure the border,” DeSantis said.
During his own news conference, Crist argued DeSantis didn’t have to transport migrants to voice his opposition to Biden’s border and immigration policies.
“If he had a problem with any kind of policy of the Biden administration, he can voice it,” Crist said. “He doesn’t have to engage innocent human beings in this way, in an inhumane fashion, to try to make a political statement.”
Crist called for justice to be served and compared DeSantis’ leadership to that of a socialist regime or former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
He didn’t offer specific immigration policies when asked for his solution. However, he said he wouldn’t treat them like animals.
“I wouldn’t have shipped them on a plane. I wouldn’t have lied to them. I would have kept them in Florida and treated them humanely, and given them comfort and make sure they were fed and nourished and treated like human beings,” Crist said. “I would do the opposite of what he’s done.”
At DeSantis’ request, lawmakers approved $12 million in this year’s budget for the Department of Transportation (FDOT) to remove immigrants who have entered Florida illegally out of the state and into “sanctuary” communities. While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has announced and implemented a similar busing program since DeSantis first suggested it, Florida’s program sat unused for more than two months.
Last month, DeSantis told reporters that Florida had not begun its transportation program because the Biden administration had directed fewer migrants to the state than expected. The Governor credited Florida’s program as a deterrent after states like Texas and Arizona acted on their versions of the plan.
DeSantis has long criticized Biden’s border policies, such as ending restrictions from President Donald Trump’s administration. The Associated Press credits Trump with the idea to send migrants to Democratic-led regions.
DeSantis visited the southern border last summer after sending law enforcement officials to the Lone Star State at the request of Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, fellow Republicans. He said he was surprised to learn how many immigrants wish to reach Florida after entering the country illegally.
DeSantis, considered a possible contender for President — along with Abbott — has since made tackling illegal immigration a priority. In June, he signed legislation to prevent transportation companies from doing business with Florida if the companies participate in programs to transport migrants to Florida.
Also Thursday, Abbott confirmed he sent migrants near Vice President Kamala Harris‘ Washington home in buses that arrived that morning.
Renzo Downey covers state government for Florida Politics. After graduating from Northwestern University in 2019, Renzo began his reporting career in the Lone Star State, covering state government for the Austin American-Statesman. Shoot Renzo an email at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @RenzoDowney.
DeSantis is unqualified…too far right politically. America is tired of neo naziism. Vote for me. Let’s really make America great again by ridding it of orange Hitler and mini orange Hitler.
Oh Charlie. If only you payed attention in history class.
The NAZIs locked the undesirables up. You know, the way the Obozo Immigration & Naturalization and Border Patrol Services put kids in the cages.
Uh, oh, is that an inconvenient truth nagging at your incredible hypocrisy?
Trump didn’t separate kids? Put kids in cages? Another 20 years of the likes of Rick Scott and DeDumbDumb…and they’ll be handing down death sentences for drug dealers. Even the Saudis will be shaming us. Already we are the laughing stock of the world over Trump because of you idiots.
I actually have even produced $32800 best in thirty days simply running some clean responsibilities from a laptop. Immediately as soon as I’ve misplaced my (any-09) preceding position, I became very distressed and luckily I actually have observed this pleasant on line possibility that’s why I should make heaps staying at home. Everyone can virtually be part of this pleasant work & accumulate greater bucks online with the aid of using.
checking this page———->>>
You are a virus that needs a cure
Paul, are you the guy who received 1% of the votes when you run for office in Connecticut? I understand that Alfred E. Neuman had more votes than you as a write-in.
“Charlie Christ” confirmed chi com bot hiding behind a fake screen name. DEMs are desperate
INSANE DEMS: “Florida is Nazi state”
INSANE DEMS: “Transporting migrants out of Florida is literally Nazi fascism.”
So says the coward hiding behind a fake screen name, What are you afraid of, snowflake?
You blue cultists push the fascist gun ban agenda. Get a clue before you make a fool out of yourself again.
Chameleon is the most unqualified public official in Florida’s history! He selected a incompetent Lg Gov nominee.
👆Vote for me. I’ll put guy’s like this in the nut house…
YOU belong in the nut house, troll farm virus
The governor has lost it mentally and is a a major ass hole. If he was hell bent on sending Immigrants to sanctuary cities then the humane thing to do would’ve been to send them to large cities that could handle the influx. This was just a cruel act no matter what political side you sit on. I’ve never seen such bad politics played out. Governor DeSantis you’re the biggest asshole in the world. Instead of getting on the ticket for 2024 try getting on a peloton.
Those wealthy Democrats in the Vineyard could employ those illegals to pick up the trash they throw on the too narrow roads, and the litter they leave on the beaches.
There is so much opportunity for work out there that the islanders could absorb the *TRAINLOADS* of workers, and still have jobs to fill.
The real problem is that Governor DeSantis picked a location where the natives really really ‘like the idea’ of brown immigrants (in theory), but really really don’t want to see any brown people in their midst. Unless they are cutting the grass.
You Floridiots. I will skip the obvious comments about your Putinesque enjoyment of this relocation and point out something comical. The rich people dont live on the Vineyard. They summer there. They’ve mostly left. Their houses are closed and boats are winterized. Desantis dumped these people on the blue collar workers who keep things running in the off season. They had to pull volunteers from the local high school. Real smooth. Ever hear the phrase “Know your enemy”?
I feel bad for you all. Your choices are this ass Desantis or Jesus Crist superstar? You may be better off moving to Venezuela. I hear that some properties are recently vacated.
Well, then I guess the local government will have to house them, feed them, and keep them from breaking into the rich people’s houses.
If you think that is a chore with just 50 illegals, imagine how difficult that task is with hundreds if thousands comming in each year, every year!
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
“then the humane thing to do would’ve been to send them to large cities that could handle the influx.”
Have you turned on the news lately to see how NY, DC, Chicago, etc are b*tching and moaning? And if 50 causes a meltdown, what do you think happens everyday in actual border towns, genius? By the way, how is the CRIME in those Democrat cities? How humane is it to give them a one way ticket to being robbed and murdered by thugs, like in the socialist hellholes they are trying to flee?
No, these people who went to Martha’s Vineyard got the best deal of all. Tons of guilty rich people, who will lavish supplies on them and then of course eventually turn on them and show their real racism by shipping them off to Boston, but only after ensuring their own azzes are covered by making sure the migrants get all the “free” services that they came here for anyways. For a few weeks of limbo it’s going to turn out way better than any of those cities for these people.
Perhaps Joe Welch said it best, “Until this moment Governor DeSantis, I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
Biden and Lightfoot did the same thing. Until Biden fixes the problem he created there is nothing you can do about it.
Dead Mr. c Crist, I object to my Florida dollars being used to transport people from Texas. I want Desantis to pay for this out of his own pocket. What has he done personally to help anyone in need (I adopted 3 children in foster care). The money he spent on this stunt should be used to help Floridians in need!
The governor just saved the Florida taxpayers many many thousands of dollars. A plane ticket is a one time expense.
Just *ONE* major crime by one of those illegal aliens would have cost the state many time the total cost of both flights to incarcerate try & convict the offender.
And what of the families of the victims of homicide committed by illegals?
No Lillian (if that is who you are), you are being completely disingenuous.
Yeah all DeSantis vote buying and antics paid for in hoarded federal dollars. Thank you California for making Florida great again. Also tourists…the rest of the nation..which without the state would be like Mississippi with a beach thanks to GOP hog grifters like Rick Scott and DeDumbDumb. Empty suit, anti-government bums…
You really need to take it easy on the psychedelic drugs. Perhaps that word salad made sense to you, but I can’t read “scatterbrain’. How does one buy votes with hoarded money? You should sleep it off.
First responder bonuses? Where did this money come from? Where does the budget surplus come from??
Thank you, Paul. I am glad someone else got the point that getting them out of here is a MASSIVE COST SAVINGS in the long run.
These are people who are literally taught how to abuse the benefits system for life by NGOs before they even step across the border. Malkin’s Open Borders, Inc. along with CBS News documentary Border Business and numerous Caravan documentaries all show how migrants are openly coached, given documentation and cell phones, told where to cross and what to say (especially lying about age or family status). It is an INVASION and it must stop.
Are you the guy who received 1% of the vote when you run for office in Connecticut?
Gov DeSantis is doing what Crist wants. What better place and lifestyle can these illegal immigrants get other than living in one of the riches and privileged communities in the USA. Avg income is over $130k/yr. There are over 50 millionaires on the island. Pres Obama has 30 acres of land. It only takes a few acres to house 100 illegal immigrants.
These type of theatrics come at an expense to the Florida taxpayer. Most Venezuelans live I. Florida.
Florida taxpayers subsidized the cost of two private aircraft to shuffle 50 migrants from San Antonio Texas to Martha’s Vineyard should understand that these migrants will more than likely end up with family here in Florida.
Here’s more proof that Democrats are stupid. The PeterH alias can’t even read:
the story says: “… lawmakers approved $12 million in this year’s budget for the Department of Transportation (FDOT) to remove immigrants who have entered Florida illegally out of the state and into “sanctuary” communities.”
Except they were never in Florida. They had just crossed into Texas. They also were lied to and told that they would be sent to Boston. Your fear mongering that just one of these immigrants could commit a crime is laughable considering this state has plenty of crimes constantly in flux. Perhaps he should have just given that fund to SVU units in Florida or maybe actually give corrections officers more money. Florida has some of the lowest pay rates for corrections and policing. He is a cunt. Get off yourself.
So your issue is with the original story in this thread. I quoted the lines above. If they are wrong, then you should blame the author, Renzo Downey, not me.
But here’s the thing; I stand by what I wrote and my conclusions, even if that particular factoid I was supplied is incorrect. Why? Because my argument is still supported by the evidence. OK, maybe not 1 in those 50 were going to commit a crime, but statistically illegal aliens do regularly commit crime in My Sunshine State.
you wrote: “Perhaps he should have just given that fund to SVU units in Florida or maybe actually give corrections officers more money. Florida has some of the lowest pay rates for corrections and policing.”
Tell us; what are your thoughts on DeSantis paying bonuses to attract out of state Police officers to the state? Is he still a “c*nt”, or are you a hypocrite?
As I spend more time reading your comments Paul, it becomes obvious that you are a bigot.
What are you saying? Desantis used Florida FDOT taxpayer funds to fly migrants FROM TEXAS—not from Florida! They didn’t enter Florida illegally. Why is Desantis spending Florida tax $$ in Texas? Isn’t this illegal? Can he use Florida tax money for another state’s benefit? Budget or not, Florida taxpayers paid for his spectacle. What are you saying is stupid?
Were any of these 50 people children? Any unaccompanied? Crossing state lines while kidnapping minors? And why was there someone videotaping if it’s not a 2024 presidential campaign ad? Paid for by Florida taxpayers?
You muppet, how much do you think it would have cost in yOuR tAx DoLLaRs if they would have stayed? Over a five year period, with them gaming the system the entire time!!!
That’s not really the point, is it? If reports are correct, Desantis used Florida taxpayer dollars to fly people from Texas, not Florida. Is it kidnapping to provide false information to people to get them onto a plane , then take them across state lines, as part of a conspiracy with Abbott, who is also in a different state? It would be kidnapping if an adult got a child into his car by telling the kid that his mom wanted the adult to pick him up. Is it more serious if they did this with minors?
Let’s do the math for marylou who. (Yes it was “Cindy Lou Who” but that’s not important now.)
50 illegal aliens X $2,000 per month per alien is $100,000/mo in benefit payments 5 years is 60 months so 60 months x $100,000/mo is $6,000,000 in benefit payments the taxpayers have to bear.
I see what the problem is. Our clueless marylouwho thinks that the governor spent the whole $12M that the legislature approved on the one flight. She’s a little dense.
Let’s suppose that a 50 seat one way charter costs $4,000 per seat (I can get one for less, but let’s assume that in a moment of stupidity we hire marylouwho to get us the quote.
50 seats x $4,000 per seat is $200,000 dollars. But as I pointed out before it’s a *ONE TIME* expense. In two months the State government breaks even. Every month after that costs the taxpayers *NOTHING*.
That why everyone with a brain is suggesting we deport the millions of illegals the Biden administration has allowed to wander around inside the country.
Sleepy Joe is guilty of Treason against the United States & the Constitution.
Deporting illegal aliens from the state is the ABSOLUTE BEST THING that a governor that values his citizens over the political agenda of Cloward & Piven to collapse the system.
Let the Blue states that want the open borders put their money where their mouths are.
You should start a pizza join Paul. Call it Paul Pizzarelli’s Pizzeria. I’d even come to the ribbon cutting…and perhaps even give you a bare assed, greasy face sit for giving me publicly 🍩💋
You are one sad, sick, and pathetic, SOB trying to pass as a person.
@Paul: I’d rather have an illegal alien move here than a rich Florida border jumper from Connecticut. My gd property tax bill went up because of you cheap bstards. On top of that, hoard money and don’t wanna pay taxes.🐷
The scum of society hates what is successful and beautiful. You are just another example, whose hate fuels your own obsession with being facedown in the Cammack Hammock. The scum of society take power in communist revolutions. That will not be allowed to occur here in the USA.
Hmmm, I seem to remember another post by a Democrat just this morning proving how incredibly stupid they are, economically & politically.
you wrote: “I’d rather have an illegal alien move here than a rich Florida border jumper from Connecticut. My gd property tax bill went up because …”
I cut it off because your conclusion is wrong.
I’d have to check with my bookkeeper, but I’d be willing to bet that just the FL sales tax I paid this quarter is more than the taxes you’ve paid during your entire adult lifetime. But I don’t want to appear boastful.
I don’t hoard money, I use it. And I pay my taxes. What I don’t do is advocate that others pay more taxes because some people are too {expletive deleted} to actually perform charitable acts. I don’t expect anything from the government other than fair courts of law, border security, and the right/ability to pursue my dreams. Certainly not a guaranteed outcome.
And so I advocate for *small* government and oppose large government. Exactly the opposite of Democrats.
Paul why don’t you go back to Connecticut. You are a pompous ass and a carpetbagger. I am amazed that you even got one per cent of the vote when you ran for office in Connecticut. Did you and your few friends commit voter fraud to get you to the one per cent mark?
you wrote: “Did you and your few friends commit voter fraud to get you to the one per cent mark?”
That’s a potentially libelous question. Every once in a while I’m glad that this forum doesn’t allow deletions or editing of posts.
I left my home state because it changed into something I no longer recognized and no longer respected. As I watched my home of ~50 years fade into the rearview mirror for the last time I didn’t even shed a tear of regret. I was that disillusioned of what my Nutmeg state had become.
You are just full of demonstrably false statements. I bought a home Here for cash. Planted roots, ang now proudly call the Sunshine state my new & permanent home.
carpetbagger: noun DEROGATORY•INFORMAL a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.
Hillary was a carpetbagger when she ran for the Senate in NY. Laura Loomis too when she ran for the House in Florida. You keep bringing up my political career in CT in an effort to disparage me. My candidacy was directed against Chris Murphy (D) because he is demonstrably stupid, and a shitty human being.
Except they were sent here from Texas specifically so Desantis could share in the cruelty without having to send Cubans. If he sent a planeload of Cubans who are also landing every day, all hell would break loose. His political career would be over. Blue states put their money in Florida, since we are a beggar state. An expensive, cruel stunt.
Another one that lacks reading comprehension. “They entered the state of Florida.” it says so somewhere in the article.
“Small government” results in plutocracy eventually. Leaves a power vacuum for the rich to fill with people who exploit any way that they can. Wealth and income inequality would increase as the rich only care about profits. The social problems that would result would make you reconsider. Where would this country be today if it had always adhered to the small government mentality?
you wrote: “Where would this country be today if it had always adhered to the small government mentality?”
Which is an interesting question that I’d like to debate. But not with you.
That’s because the answer to that question is plutocracy… massive wealth and income inequality that even you and your ancestors would not have escaped…not because big narcissist Pizzarelli doesn’t want to debate with me specifically. Also any charitable giving that you might do is skimmed and grifted by people with your mentality…that’s why it’s not sufficient.
Nope. I don’t want to debate with you because you are vile, disgusting, and repugnant.
you wrote: “Also any charitable giving that you might do is skimmed and grifted by people with your mentality…that’s why it’s not sufficient.”
Which is right out of Josef Goebbels playbook: “Accuse the other side of which you are guilty.””
@Paul: “I’d be willing to bet that just the FL sales tax I paid this quarter is more than the taxes you’ve paid during your entire adult lifetime.” If you didn’t want to appear boastful then you’ve failed. Could have done without all the narcissism and demonstration of your psychic abilities… assuming what others have or have not done, have or have not etc.
You’re right I made an assumption. It’s possible that you have paid more in taxes in your adult lifetime than I paid this quarter. But I’d only be inclined to believe that if you admitted to being a Trust Fund baby.
Why? Because the complete and total lack of intelligence you’ve displayed here on Florida Politics in the two months that I’ve been reading it, has proved to anyone that you are a fool. Well, again, assuming you actually practice what you preach.
But if you don’t then you are a hypocrite, and just as untrustworthy as if you actually were a complete moron, who believed all the Progressive-Socialist claptrap.
Either way you’ve forfeited all credibility. I don’t know for certain how many aliases you portray here, but I doubt that even the other fools that play the aliases you team up with would believe a word you say in the real world either.
Congrats you made a point. As if anyone who matters actually cares.
Paul Pizzarelli is a narcissistic psychopath… easy to see.
Rumor is alias Joey corsin Charlie, Peter h, and mis believer, and other Dum Dems will be migrated out next. Big party! LMAO
👆 Barely legible gibberish.. typical Trump dumb dumb. Vote for me. I’ll deport this nincompoop to Russia.
See ya, they are coming for you.
👆 Vote for me. I’ll put this clown to work in a sewer.
You live in a sew, troll farm virus
Wouldn’t Biden be the one who is unqualified since he is the one NOT securing the Border?
Wouldn’t Trump be unqualified because of decade long crime spree??
Florida is not a sanctuary state. They gots to go!
Take Joey corsin Charlie, idiot Elliot, peter h, mis believer, Palmer, bill, haney, fake pastor, Mary who, smiff, Morton and other dum Dems. So many soros Manchurian. See ya!
👆 Vote for me. I’ll deport this redneck azzhole to the Atlantic ocean.
Nope, YOU will be dropped into the ocean from a helicopter.
Desantis’s cruel treatment of migrants is fully in character. He exploits victimized children, joking about “groomers” and “grooming” as campaign slogans. He’s forcing little elementary school girls to become mothers. Desantis is dictating that pregnant women and girls must be almost dead to get life saving medical care. The US already has the highest maternal mortality rate among industrialized countries, and a 23% increase is expected as a result of forced births. Women and girls are going to actually die while waiting for permission from this extremist. He knows that.
What kind of person just watches someone get closer and closer to death? What’s Desantis going to be doing while women die? No doubt he will be all excited playing dress up in his “Full Armor of God” and “Belt of Truth” costume.
Desantis needs to be denied medical care until a committee of women decides he’s dead-enough. And, they need to take plenty of time to be really, really sure. No treatment for broken bones or kidney stones. It won’t kill him…go home! If he dies anyway, it was God’s will. No one does this much damage unless they’re enjoying it.
I thought I had already seen the worst of Gov. DeSantis; pugnacious, ill-conceived political grandstanding. I was wrong.
I heard CA is shipping truck loads of Shit to the FL Governor’s mansion? Makes sense since it is full of shit anyway.
Nah, YOU ARE full of caca
Sounds like kidnapping under Florida statutes to me. I’m sure the Floridah Attorney General is going to investigate. NOT!
Biden and Lightfoot did the exact same thing. Lock them up too! But you won’t, because you are a hypocrite. Democrats are incapable of accepting responsibility for the problems they cause.
DOJ Garland should be handling it: multi-state felony hate crimes including kidnapping and child trafficking (forced child labor when children were taped by Desantis’s videographer for use in a campaign ad??), and multi-state conspiracy with Abbott to commit the crimes. Obviously, I’m not a lawyer!!
Paul, are you the guy who received 1% of the votes when you run for office in Connecticut? I understand that Alfred E. Neuman had more votes than you as a write-in
Yes. That was me. I’m quite proud to say that the 1.4% of the vote I managed, exceeded my expectations. The LPCT had been struggling for decades. CT law required a >1% turnout to automatically add a 3rd Party to the subsequent years ballots. I surpassed that goal by more than my desired amount.
And yes, I even managed to get more votes than the LP’s top of the ticket candidate for President that year in the Nutmeg State. Although I didn’t have the opportunity to meet him, I don’t think Gary Johnson likes to be called Alfred E. Newman.
You can try to embarrass me, but you will fail. You will only succeed in embarrassing yourself with your incompetent arguments, multiple aliases, and disgusting comments.
You nailed it, TD. I can hear Liberal heads exploding across the state. It’s a satisfying sound, like a thunder storm in the near distance.
Biden created the problem, yet liberals don’t hold him accountable. They just make excuses for him. Democrats are incapable of governing.
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