Criminals are waiting for you!! LOCK YOUR CAR, HIDE YOUR VALUABLES! | Lower Moreland Township Police Department

2022-05-20 23:38:50 By : Ms. Amy Long

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR!  Several nearby jurisdictions have already been hit over the past several days!

The weather is finally allowing us to get out and enjoy mother nature!  

This will most likely have you visiting parks, playgrounds, and trails in the township.  

Unfortunately, the criminals also visit these places but not to enjoy the great outdoors!  They are entering your vehicles by trying door handles or breaking windows to grab what's inside. 

What can you do to protect your belongings?  Here are just a few reminders: 

1.  Lock your vehicle. 

2. Do not leave any valuables in plain sight.  It is also NOT recommended that you hide your valuables when you get there (ie put them in your trunk).  There may be lookouts waiting for you to walk away. 

3. Be aware of your surroundings....if you see anything/one suspicious, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY and be a good witness.  

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