The Security Of Ballot Collection Boxes: One Can Be Opened In Thirty Seconds Or Less

2022-05-14 00:34:37 By : Ms. Cecy Yan

I wrote an article about the security of mail-in and absentee ballots describing the multiple security layers preventing their generation or counterfeiting. While the discussion and controversy continues to surround the election, this topic and litigation has mainly focused on the actual ballots themselves. There hasn’t been analysis about the physical security of ballot collection boxes and how they are protected. Voters relied upon the apparent protections inherent in these containers once ballots were deposited in non-postal service boxes. The boxes we tested from one manufacturer could be opened in seconds with little skill, training, or tools. There are a lot of collection box manufacturers; they all should closely examine the locks they employ to make sure they cannot be easily defeated.

The County Auditor for Sioux Falls, South Dakota ordered two collection boxes for his jurisdiction, which has about 200,000 residents. Each box came with two keyed-alike locks to secure the area where the ballots were stored, once inserted by voters. The Auditor admitted he had no expertise in locks, but immediately was concerned that the locks appeared cheap and insecure especially because each box cost about $3800.00.  He ordered the boxes from a forty-year old company in Minnesota that produces different containers for voting, libraries, medication, and payment collection. The company advertised features and technology “making it almost impossible” for anyone to break into their containers. As we demonstrated, that statement was not exactly true, as least in the locks that we tested.

The locks that the company supplied to the county were designed many years ago for vending machines. The double-sided keys (lock model C18010) were produced by the Chicago Lock Company which was sold in 1999.

I would submit these locks are not secure enough to protect ballots in an election and according to the lock manufacturer, are definitely not high security.

As a result of my discussion with Bob Litz, the County Auditor, as a courtesy I offered to supply four higher-security cam locks for their voting boxes. We then analyzed the locks that were originally supplied with the collection boxes, and also contacted the owner of Chicago Lock, which is now CompX. We provided them with the key codes to be certain we were talking about exactly the same locks because their design is so old. We were told the retail cost for these locks was about $17.00 per unit.

We took the locks and mounted them in a vice to facilitate the demonstration. There would be no real difference if the locks were mounted in the actual cabinet doors as to their ability to be easily opened. When my associate and I analyzed their security, we found they could be compromised in seconds with a common mini-automotive shim that measured ¼” x .010” or .012” in thickness. This is a five-cent piece of metal that was effective at defeating the entire security of these ballot collection boxes. Based upon my experience, these locks are trivial to open, with little to no expertise required. Watch the video.

I reached out to other ballot box manufacturers for lock samples. All refused to respond.

I spoke with the owner of the company in Minnesota, who immediately denied any problem and made claims of a “media agenda” and stated that in forty years, there was never a problem until my call. I finally spoke with his legal counsel, who did understand the potential security and liability issues for his client and customers and why it was important to choose the correct locks. Easily-defeated locks on an otherwise well-designed collection container should not be accepted by any election jurisdiction. Understanding the design of a container is a lot different than knowing the intricacies of lock design and bypass vulnerabilities.

In fairness, the locks that were supplied to the county had two different key combinations (one set for each box). We do not know how many different bitting patterns are supplied to their different customers around the country by this manufacturer and how difficult they would be to open in the manner shown in the video. What we do know is that the technique we employed is highly successful on these kinds of locks because of the relatively insecure design of the actual locking element, which is called a “wafer pack.” It can be easily manipulated to cause the lock to open by jiggling it up and down, which means that theoretically ballots could be stolen or destroyed without a trace, even though virtually all of these boxes are monitored with video cameras, or personnel.

The kind of locks that were used throughout the United States on different boxes by each manufacturer is neither unknown nor the potential impact on the election? What can be said is that in my opinion these particular boxes supplied to our county were not secure in terms of access security. There appeared to be no problem with the actual physical design, only the locks that protect the door. The entire security of these boxes rests upon the security of their locks, and in my view, they failed.

National Standards I would urge the adoption of national standards for these containers to encompass both the physical design and specify the security level of the locks that secure them. Presently, there are no uniform definitions other than some standards by the National Conference of State Legislatures. This would be an excellent task for Underwriters Laboratories, Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, and the American National Standards Institute.

Locks should be secure against picking, jiggling and ease of key simulation, replication, and copying. High security cam locks are readily available by several different manufacturers and are common in the vending, parking meter, access control, and alarm sectors. Even better would be to employ electronic locks that store an audit trail of time and date for every opening.

Voting ballots are one of the most valuable commodities in our democracy. The more than 8000 election jurisdictions in the United States should act to insure that the ballots within these collection boxes are secure against tampering, theft, or destruction for the next election. All voters should expect and demand no less.